Thanks for visiting this page. This page is dedicated to current legislation regarding naturopathic medicine and also areas that surround access to supplements, health care and so on.
I will be changing the topics as different legislation is introduced and calls for support are needed and to update the progress.
One more thing before we get to it. Personal letters make much more of an impact on these changes. So, after you follow these links or read below, please feel free to type up a basic letter that you can send to those who make the decisions.
The support we are asking for currently is below.
Thank you in advance for considering!
Remember you have a voice and we want you to use, no matter what you support. Thanks for considering.
In health,
Legislative Update
PANP Board members are continuing their work with the Pennsylvania Board of Medicine on the regulation of naturopathic doctors in the state. They met with the BoM on December 19th to discuss regulations under which naturopathic doctors will be governed once the registration bill goes into effect.
Although the legislation that passed last year was slated to go into effect on January 1st, 2018 – the regulations will not not be finalized at this time. Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) can continue to practice as they did prior to passage of the bill until the registration process is up and running. Once the exposure draft is complete, it will be made public so that all interested parties have an opportunity to give feedback to the Board of Medicine. As soon as there is a public draft ready, we will be certain to share it with our membership. Once there is language in place it will be updated on the PANP website too!
Some things we know for sure:
- Registration will be biennial.
- Naturopathic doctors must have a Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent, graduate from a CNME-accredited naturopathic medicine program, and pass NPLEX exams.
- Naturopathic doctors must maintain CPR certification.
Senate Bill 834 – UPDATE
We are excited to announce that Senator Rafferty introduced Senate Bill 834 this past fall. Now that state budget negotiations are finalized, the Senate is poised to take up this bill once it is back in session in January.
To recap, by introducing a naturopathic scope expansion bill we are assured that one way or the other we will have a defined scope of practice in PA. We plan to continue to work with the Board of Medicine while we push forward with SB 834. To read the bill in its entirety, you can find it here: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billInfo/BillInfo.cfm?syear=2017&sind=0&body=S&type=B&bn=834
We’d like to encourage our members to write to their state senators to let them know why it is important to pass naturopathic licensure bill, SB 834. If you aren’t sure who your senator is, or how to get in touch with them, use can use this handy link: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/#address